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Request a Video

Got an idea for a video you'd like to see from GwF? Want to be a part of it, or know someone who does? Let us know below!

GwF Video Request Form

Choose a category

Workshops are hands-on walk-throughs and/or demonstrations of certain activities or concepts, focused on "learning through doing". Tools are practical exercises for introspection, insight, and self-discovery. Stories are for sharing your life, experiences, struggles, and successes in an intimate yet connective way.

We're looking for academic articles, media that's close to what you're looking for but doesn't hit the mark, blog posts on the topic, etc.

Would you, or someone you know, be willing to be a part of this video?
Yes, I, and/or someone I know, would like to be a part of this video.
Yes, I would like to be a part of this video.
Yes, someone I know would like to be a part of this video. I would not.
No, I would not like to be a part of this video. Also, I do not know of anyone else.
Do you consent to being contacted via the email you provided above?
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